
out durante vancity pride


I've been in:
a deep slumber,
or a,
comma like state...(much like the patient in my last post below)
from the bloggart world for tearfully too long.

As mentioned in my last post, I've been neck deep in a self consumed project. Which I have ear to ear with a BIG SMILE, joyfully singing with the birds, roof top happily completed!!!!!!!
Hooray for me!

next comes project part 3, which i've carefully examined as equally challenging as everest...

details of my diabolical, under cover project are soon to slip through and be released in the coming days... how exciting!!!

To begin my triumphant return, I thought I'd share this fantastic photo taken during pride in Vancouver. I saw these fellas walk by and knew they deserved to share their fabulous style with everyone in the fashion & blogging world as well.

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