

sometimes i see really cool style and instead of being confident and simply asking to take their photo, i'm a bit of a creeeeeper and take quick snap shots... with that said, only a mere 15 mins before this photo was taken i approached this guy wearing a leather sarong and gracefully asked if i may take his photo for my blog... he replied "no"... so when i saw this girl, instead of the possibility of rejection i was very. very. sneaky.

was i wrong to do so?

possibly, but i really adored her tomboy style and pixie hair cut!

the combination of the rolled up white t-shirt, baggy cut-offs paired with the cowboy boots and cerulean blue rays is how should i put it... wicked!

oh! oh!. . . and i heart her awkwardness in each photo, i wouldn't have captured that if i had asked now'

can you say girl crush

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